Sunday, June 14, 2009

Don't eat in front of you notebook/laptop

So I was eating my salad in front of my notebook.
I usually don't , but I've been very careful lately :p and I thought I won't spill anything anyway.
Wrong !!!!
I had half of a fresh tomato on my plate, right.
Why would I have half a tomato in my salad ?
I was too lazy chopping the tomato up ;p
Anyhoo... So I used a fork to pick up the tomato and took a big bite.
and as I bit the tomato, the other half (dat's not in my mouth) squirted all over the keypad and the LED screen ..........
*panic mode*
So I started frantically wiping the keyboard and realized some of the liquid was under the keyboard.... huhuhuhuhu......
So.... I tried wiping the thing and tried to squish my fingernails in between keyboard with wet wipes.
what's worse is dat my salad was covered with sweet soy sauce !!! sugar !!!!
oh noo.............. now my notebook might attract ants and bugs and germs....... ewwwwwww
Okay... it was actually just a few drops of tomato juice and sweet soy sauce on the keyboard, and some on the screen. d'oh............ let's see.... around 20 tiny drops actually.
But still !!!!

Anyway........ I think I cleaned up my notebook pretty well....
So No ants, no bugs, no germs !!! ;)
Sooo.... never ever eat in front of your notebook/laptop okay !!! :D

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